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Thanks to all who participated in the Beer For Boobs XII.

There were 146 entries judged and 102 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stBrian GeraghtyBrian's Kolsch5B: Kolsch

Winning Entries

Table 1: Lawnmowin' (12 entries)

1stJim SudduthGerman Pilsner5D: German PilsScioto Olentangy Darby Zymurgists (SODZ)
2ndGerad MillerGermany Has Declared War On the Jones Boys10A: WeissbierDayton Regional Amateur Fermentation Technologists
3rdMarius Fekete
Co-Brewer: Emmett Hynes
Dunkelweizen10B: Dunkels WeissbierBrewly Homebrew Club

Table 2: International and Czech Lagers (10 entries)

1stJohn SpinellaCzech'd Up3B: Czech Premium Pale Lager
2ndMike RadwanskiVienna Woods3D: Czech Dark LagerBloatarian Brewing League
3rdPaul KlammerDark Valley2C: International Dark LagerSociety of Northeast Ohio Brewers
HMMike RadwanskiGilded Session Lager3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerBloatarian Brewing League

Table 3: Oktoberfest-ish (17 entries)

1stBrian GeraghtyBrian's Kolsch5B: Kolsch
2ndGerad MillerIt Cost A Man's Life To Get This Out Of Germany6A: MarzenDayton Regional Amateur Fermentation Technologists
3rdMike NevilleIt Was The Greatest Beer In All Ze Vuld4B: FestbierMotor City Mashers

Table 4: Amber Bitter Euro (6 entries)

1stMike RadwanskiMaria Teresa7A: Vienna LagerBloatarian Brewing League
2ndMike GrayEnergy Vampire 7A: Vienna Lager
3rdMarius FeketeVienna Waits For You7A: Vienna LagerBrewly Homebrew Club

Table 6: Strong Euro (9 entries)

1stMatt KovalOld Fuddy-Duddy17D: English Barleywine
2ndSteve BadmanDrunken Husky Baltic Porter9C: Baltic PorterLehigh Valley Home Brewers
3rdMike RadwanskiBalta 9C: Baltic PorterBloatarian Brewing League

Table 7: Brown and Dark Euro (6 entries)

1stMichael Cozart
Co-Brewer: Bryant Houle
Brewly Dunkel8A: Munich DunkelBrewly Homebrew Club
2ndDoug Wiedemann
Co-Brewer: Jeff German-Lortie
Fhl 202113A: Dark MildBrewly Homebrew Club
3rdJoseph Raney1776 Will Commence Again 13B: English Brown AleMiddletown Area Society of Homebrewers

Table 9: Honey, Apple, and Pears, Oh My! (13 entries)

1stChristy Hemenway13 And Up!M2E: Melomel
2ndBill BoyerSir Lancelot The Brave - V3M2B: PymentWoodstock Malt Monkeys
3rdBill BoyerThe Eldritchberry TerrorsC2B: Cider with Other FruitWoodstock Malt Monkeys
HMBill BoyerBeing There - Voss Variant C1A: New World CiderWoodstock Malt Monkeys

Table 10: The Hops Giveth, and the Hops Taketh Away (11 entries)

1stJohn Jacovetty
Co-Brewer: Judy Jacovetty
Perfect Circle21B7: New England IPA
2ndJohn JacovettyTropical Thunder21B: Specialty IPA
3rdSteve Hartman
Co-Brewer: Barb Hartman Larry Adams Susan Adams Matt White
This All Fits, Right?21A: American IPACascade Brewers Guild
HMSteve HartmanGroundsquatch Boomerang21A: American IPACascade Brewers Guild

Table 12: Belgians & Trappists, Tarts & Wilds (16 entries)

1stBen HartmanSaison25B: Saison
2ndChristopher MullinaxOneliner23A: Berliner WeisseScioto Olentangy Darby Zymurgists (SODZ)
3rdJoe DauriaFather's Beer26A: Trappist SingleMetro South Homebrew League (MASH HOLES)

Table 13: Smoke (8 entries)

1stMike RadwanskiRauchwasser6B: RauchbierBloatarian Brewing League
2ndSteve BadmanDhb Harry Porter32B: Specialty Smoked BeerLehigh Valley Home Brewers
3rdPaul KlammerSoury Little Beer27A3: LichtenhainerSociety of Northeast Ohio Brewers

Table 14: American and English Darkness (6 entries)

1stJason WingAlive In The Superunknown20A: American PorterScioto Olentangy Darby Zymurgists (SODZ)
2ndPaul KlammerPgs #4: Nyx's Lyssa16B: Oatmeal StoutSociety of Northeast Ohio Brewers
3rdDoug WiedemannFrom Mild To Wild To Kink20C: Imperial StoutBrewly Homebrew Club

Table 16: American Mixtape - Pale, Amber, Brown, Strong (10 entries)

1stDoug WiedemannD-Weed Amber19A: American Amber AleBrewly Homebrew Club
2ndChristopher MullinaxMoose God19C: American Brown AleScioto Olentangy Darby Zymurgists (SODZ)
3rdGary CoxPaddler's Comet18B: American Pale AleDelaware Ohio Homebrewers (DOH!)

Table 17: Fruit and Spice (16 entries)

1stAndrew WeaverBeets 4 Boobs Juice 30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerLift A Leg Homemade Beer
2ndScott ElliottImperial Stout With Chili Peppers, Cinnamon, and Cocoa30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerScioto Olentangy Darby Zymurgists (SODZ)
3rdDavid CurranMy Wife Dared Me To Call This Aprisauce29A: Fruit BeerScioto Olentangy Darby Zymurgists (SODZ)

Table 18: Specialty, Provisional, Historical (6 entries)

1stMike RadwanskiThe Big Space GhostPRX5: New Zealand PilsnerBloatarian Brewing League
2ndKeith Loats#7627A7: Pre-Prohibition Lager
3rdRichard GillAurora Borealis33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer